
This service is constantly used by travelers with national destinations, but mainly by international destinations.

Among other advantages that make more passengers use this service every day are:

  • Your luggage will be protected from damage caused by handling during the trip, by staff of the airlines or transportation companies (that handle people or cargo), due to protective plastic coating that is applied to your luggage.
  • Your luggage will be protected from being opened, preventing items from your luggage being stolen or even having items, identified by the authorities as illegal or prohibited, inserted in your luggage. Any tampering with the plastic covering the luggage will be easily detectable, enabling the passenger to make the needed claims in the corresponding site.
  • Since the overlying material allows direct labeling, the luggage will be readily identifiable by travelers thanks to their personalized and unique markings.

These, among many advantages of protecting your luggage with us, will let you enjoy each of your trips stress-free and with peace of mind.